Monday, August 15, 2011

Weird sunburns

It seems I have been cursed to be the recipient of many unfortunate looking sunburns. This past week I went on an innocent roadtrip to California and happened to stop by a beach for an hour or two before heading home. And of course, being as ghostly white as I am, I got sunburned. Now, I've had some stupid looking sunburns before in my life, but this one may just top them all. It's probably only second to the one I got in Hawaii where only my left leg got sunburned. This time, my chest got sunburned. But, there are a few random white spots that look like fingerprints in the midst of the burn. I have no idea how that got there, because it's not as if I was letting someone fondle my chest while I frollicked on the beach, nor did I take a nap or anything where someone could creeper attack me while sleeping. So......I really don't know why I have been cursed with this stupid looking sunburn.