Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hot tubs and massages

As summer is coming around, it reminds me of a date I once really was not the best date, so I want to give all the guys in this world an idea for what not to do on a date. Please, PLEASE, whatever you do, don't take a girl to a jacuzzi. It is not romantic. It's just not. It's summer. Nobody wants to hop on into a jacuzzi so they can be even HOTTER and STICKIER than they were before they got in. It's just not fun. And if you just really can't resist taking them to a jacuzzi, at least don't massage them while you're in there. It's not attractive. It's creepy.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Can't

I feel like this picture very adequately sums up what I am feeling right now. I was all ready and excited for summer to be here so I could just work out and work. You know. At my actual job. And read books. And catch up on Lost. And maybe glee. And maybe go swimming a few times. And then I was hit with this. And now I feel like that carefree summer that was nearly in my grasp has suddenly slipped through my fingers and been blown away to the other side of the world. I just want to cry. Cry and cry and cry. And I wasn't even hit with this because I was doing something wrong - it's not a punishment. I got hit with this all because I was being good! Ugh. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!? I think I'll go watch a really sappy movie.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is my hot friend Manda. My dearest friend Manda Manda is going to do a photoshoot of me! I am oh so excited and I do love her ever so much! I have never been a model before or even taken a normal picture before so this is going to be a brand new adventure for me! I cannot wait!