Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This is quite possibly my favorite deoderant in the whole entire world. It makes my armpits smell so delicious. I could literally sit around smelling them the whole day and by super duper happy. I always get really excited when my deoderant runs out because that means I get to go to the store and try a new scent!
Deoderant doesn't always smell good though....Sometimes people wear powder scented deoderant. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!! It smells so awful! I literally want to gag when I smell someone wearing it! I have yet to decide whether I hate it because it actually smells awful or if I hate it because it reminds me of the smell of babies. It could possibly be both though. But, this is a mystery that should not have to be solved. People should just wear my deoderant and then we wouldn't have any problems.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post because that is my favorite deodorant too! It's the best and does smell really good although if you did sit around smelling your pits I'm sure people wouldn't sit by you!
