Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have always secretly desired to have a blog - but not one of those oh-my-goodness-I-am-so-deep-dramatic-and-thoughtful blogs. Those bore me to no end. This is more like an, I'm-going-to-post-all-the-random-crap-that-comes-to-my-mind blog. So, if your looking to read something deep and thoughtful......I'd go find someone else's blog to read.
So, for those of you who know me, you know that I hate any follicle of hair that does not grow directly out of your head. Even those ones have to be connected to your head otherwise they absolutely disgust me. But today, I will not be talking about head hair. Today I will be talking about armpit hair - more specifically, men's armpit hair. Now, I understand that even though I sometimes think I would prefer if men shaved their armpits as all us girls are considerate enough to do, that this is probably not going to ever happen as a man shaving his armpits is not really a very masculine thing to do. But really, the least you can do guys is wear a shirt with sleeves long enough to cover up your nasty armpit hair. Really. Today I had the most unfortunate experience of sitting across from a guy with very short sleeves and his armpit hair was creeping out of his sleeves like some pestilential (is that a word?) thing coming to attack me! GROSS! I have been scarred for life! So please guys, make sure you cover it up.

1 comment:

  1. Because I am your best friend and first follower (at least the latter is true...) I will tell you an armpit hair story. I had the unpleasant experience of managing to date a stalker. He wanted me to wait for him on his mission, but I'm PRETTY sure I let him know I wasn't interested a few thousand times. . . so when he jumped me at a park to kiss my face I fell victim to the rape kiss. Anyway. He used to try to show off his muscles and since I wasn't ever impressed it was his motivation. Little did he know that I could see his armpit hairs growing down his flipping arm and it was gross and I just threw up thinking about it. Even my sister noticed and she's like. .. she nicest person EVER. So true. So scandalous. So obsessed with me. Amen.
