Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why I Love My Friends

This is my love Clay before he got fat and also lied to the world and said he was gay. (He's not really. He's just trying to get people to shut up. Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell.)
I know alot of people out there think they have the best friends in the world, but they don't. I do. Why do I say this? Oh I dunno. Maybe because they send me texts on April Fools Day that say things like:

Hey yo. So um did you hear Clay Aiken broke up with his man and has declared to the world he is seriously straight.

Oh also Joe Jonas died.

Like how do you even come up with this crap?!?!?! Super rude! They go straight for the things I love most in the world and insult them!

Whatever. Joe and Clay are still hot. And Clay really is straight. For real. We are getting married tomorrow so he can ooooooooooooo to me in his sexy voice forever and ever.

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