Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Things I learned while in Hawaii

-There should definitely be a swimsuit police. There are far to many fat old men in this world who think they can wear speedos in public and way to many old ladies with saggy boobs and bums who think it's ok to wear a bikini. Swimsuits should be body AND age appropriate!

-It's much harder to shave with just a razor blade and no actual razor than one might think. Never forget to bring along BOTH.

-It is definitely possible to get sunburned THROUGH your swimsuit. Apparently the sun doesn't just burn whatever skin is exposed. Make sure to sunblock underneath your swimsuit too, otherwise, like me, you'll be sporting a backwards tan.

-It is possible to get sunburned when it's cloudy and dark out. You are never safe. Noooot cool.

-Never wear shorts over your swimsuit. If you do, you'll be stuck with a really bad tan line. If the sun is feeling especially cruel, it'll only burn one of your legs.

-Pufferfish are hard to scare. No matter how many times you try to step on them or kick them, they won't puff.

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