Saturday, July 2, 2011

Poor little car...

This is not, in fact, my car, but this is what my car looks like.

I love my car very much. He's been faithful throughout the years, helping me stalk people and make a quick getaway when I need to, but lately he's been crapping out on me.

First he started to lose his "hair". My poor little car has several bald patches on his head now and needs a paint job pretty badly.

Then, the locks gave out. Instead of just flipping a switch, I have to operate them all manually now.

Then, the AC decided that every once in a while it could just stop working. When it's the middle of summer in Phoenix, Arizona, this is soooo not allowed.

Then! The front door decided that it refused to open. Even though the door was unlocked, it would not open no matter how hard a I pushed on it. So I had to crawl over to the passanger side and go out that door. And when I walked around to the driver's side and tried to at least lock the door, it refused to lock.

Poor car. Please don't die.

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