Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Random Musings of my Mind

A couple thoughts have been lingering on my mind today.

Number 1:

So you know how you sometimes want to figure out what another person thinks of you, but you're either too chicken of embarrassed to ask them, so you have a mutual friend ask them instead and then said friend tells you everything that person said? This is a technique that I have unfortunately resorted to using many times in my life and today I was just thinking about whether or not someone has ever used this technique on me and repeated all of my answers back to another person. If that even made sense.

Number 2:

I seriously don't understand how some people are so good at coming up with the perfect word to describe something. I struggle with coming up with the right way to explain things (please refer to #1 on this list) and then there are people who can just immediate come up with the perfect word to describe a scenario. So annoying.

Number 3:

Why do some people insist upon driving the speed limit?!?

Number 4:

When will I ever learn to stop eating food in bed? Comforters covered in beans are really not that comforting.

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