Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I sometimes wish the things in my mind were real....

I am a perpetual daydreamer.

This is often bad because as I daydream about the same thing happening over and over and over and over and OVER again my mind convinces itself that these things really are going to happen in real life.

And then I am crushed when none of them actually come true.

"Yes, Stephannie, your hot lab teacher really is secretly in love with you."
"Yes, Stephannie, that boy really is going to ask you to come hang out with him when you get off work."
"Yes, Stephannie, Joe Jonas really is going to go into disguise and start attending ASU and you'll be assigned to be his guide and he'll fall in love with you."

It's kind of a problem.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Words I Despise

Sometimes, there are words that irk you or make you want to vomit. Here's a list of mine:

Utilize - thank you Ms. Tolman.

Stimulate - just reminds me of awkward things.

Urge - ditto.

Hard - it's just too easy to make a "That's what she said joke" out of it.

Cupcake - a guy told me to call him this once. No thanks.

Cuddle - I just shiver whenever I hear it. It sounds so stupid. Ex. Lover: "Honey, let's cuddle." Me: "Ok darling, but let me go vomit over your word choice first."

Legit - spent a day with people who go to EAC. Never though I would hear that word so many times within a 24 hour period.

Massage - brings back bad memories of creepermen.

Obese - just say fat. Don't be a pansy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm pretty much the whitest person I know. I glow in the dark and when I go on vacation, instead of tanning after I burn, I turn whiter. It is quite unfortunate really. Sometimes I try and console myself by remembering that back in the Renaissance-ish days (or sometime way back in the day), the whiter you were, the more attractive you were. Too bad that's not the way the world works today. However, as of lately, someone has decided that I am not white enough because I have started to grow a white eyelash! I don't understand! My eyelashes, the normal ones anyway, are super dark, but I recently discoverd one lash on my left eye that is WHITE. How does this even happen?! It's not even a normal eyelash either! It's twice as long as all my other lashes and it grows at like 20 times the rate of all the other ones! I'll find it and then cut it off with a pair of scissors and think that I've finally gotten rid of it only to discover a few days later that it has already grown back. Gah!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Recently, the subject of cuddleslutting has been on my mind. And thinking about cuddleslutting caused me to think about other things that were slightly deeper. Like, how people these days, seem to make out with the first "sexy" person they see walking down the street simply because they like the feeling of it - not because they like the person.

I'm really bad at explaining why I think certain things, but I'll try to explain why this annoys me so much.

Here's the thing. I'm young. My friends are young. Although I wish it wouldn't (because it drives me crazy) random hook ups are bound to happen. And I hate it. I think it shows just how slutty our world has become. I know some people think I'm a total prude, and I probably am, but I don't think you should be holding someone's hand or kissing them simply because you want their body. Kissing and such has come to mean absolutely nothing because we no longer do it to show that we have feelings for a person, but rather because we desire them. I dunno. It just frustrates me. I think people should stop just hooking up with people simply for the sake of "getting some" and find someone they can actual start some form of meaningful relationship with. I'm no expert on love, but it seems to me that waiting to share certain things with one person who loves and understands you would be much better than slutting it up with someone you don't even know.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Philemaphobia: the fear of kissing! People, this is real and therefore you should NOT make fun of people who have it. It is not their fault. You should simply comfort them in their time of need rather than mocking them with words like, "I can't!" Ok? Just be nice.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is a boy. His name is not Brown, but for the sake of his privacy we shall call him Brown. Brown looks like a nice boy, yes? Yes, he does. But he's actually not. In reality, he is a heartstabber. A heartstabber is much, much worse than a heartbreaker. A heartbreaker breaks your heart, but broken hearts can be mended. Heartstabbers, stab your heart and their stabber stays in there and festers. The stabber can't be removed either. It sits there and hurts your poor heart for months and months and months.........Terrible right? And just think. This is Brown's profession. Brown is a professional heartstabber. And you thought he was a nice boy.......

Why I Love My Friends

This is my love Clay before he got fat and also lied to the world and said he was gay. (He's not really. He's just trying to get people to shut up. Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell.)
I know alot of people out there think they have the best friends in the world, but they don't. I do. Why do I say this? Oh I dunno. Maybe because they send me texts on April Fools Day that say things like:

Hey yo. So um did you hear Clay Aiken broke up with his man and has declared to the world he is seriously straight.

Oh also Joe Jonas died.

Like how do you even come up with this crap?!?!?! Super rude! They go straight for the things I love most in the world and insult them!

Whatever. Joe and Clay are still hot. And Clay really is straight. For real. We are getting married tomorrow so he can ooooooooooooo to me in his sexy voice forever and ever.