Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm pretty much the whitest person I know. I glow in the dark and when I go on vacation, instead of tanning after I burn, I turn whiter. It is quite unfortunate really. Sometimes I try and console myself by remembering that back in the Renaissance-ish days (or sometime way back in the day), the whiter you were, the more attractive you were. Too bad that's not the way the world works today. However, as of lately, someone has decided that I am not white enough because I have started to grow a white eyelash! I don't understand! My eyelashes, the normal ones anyway, are super dark, but I recently discoverd one lash on my left eye that is WHITE. How does this even happen?! It's not even a normal eyelash either! It's twice as long as all my other lashes and it grows at like 20 times the rate of all the other ones! I'll find it and then cut it off with a pair of scissors and think that I've finally gotten rid of it only to discover a few days later that it has already grown back. Gah!!!

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